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Invited speakers
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abstract of their talk
- Ad Bax,
NIH Bethesda
Probing motions and structural rearrangements
by RDCs
- Gerhard
Wagner, Harvard Medical School
NMR studies of integral membrane proteins
- Elisabetta
Chiarparin, Astex Pharmaceuticals
Fragment based drug discovery: challenges and
- Claudio
Dalvit, Faculty of Science,
University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Recent developments in 19F NMR
spectroscopy for fragment screening and drug
- Torsten
Herrmann, Centre de RMN à Très Hauts
Champs, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Turning failure into success: new
perspectives for unsupervised NMR studies of
- Adam
Lange, Max Planck Institute for
Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen
Three-dimensional structures of bacterial
supramolecular assemblies by solid-state NMR
- Jennifer
Potts, Department of Biology,
University of York
Repetitive and disordered proteins in
Gram-positive infections
- Thomas
Prisner, Goethe University,
Advances in high field DNP and EPR
- Bernd
Reif, TU, München
Amyloid aggregates and large soluble protein
- Sjors
Scheres, MRC Laboratory of Molecular
Biology, Cambridge
Recent advances in high-resolution cryo-EM
structure determination
- Mario
Schubert, Institute of Molecular
Biology and Biophysics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Insights into protein–carbohydrate
recognition by NMR spectroscopy
Posters selected for oral presentations
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abstract of their talk
- Andrew Baldwin, University of Oxford
NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and electron microscopy elucidate the structure and dynamics of αB-crystallin oligomers
- Roberto
Buratto, EPFL
Beyond the millimolar range: measuring
ultra-weak ligand-protein affinities using NMR
of long-lived states
- Wing Ying
Chow, Dept. of Chemistry, University
of Cambridge
Applying a solid-state NMR approach to
probe atomic changes in collagen matrices in
health and disease
- Justin
Lecher, Research Centre Juelich
Analysis of the ion channel gating mechanism
in solution by NMR spectroscopy
- Peter
Schmidt, University of Leipzig
The Structure of Neuropeptide Y bound to its
G protein-coupled Y2 receptor
- Hiroki
Takahashi, ETH
Dynamic nuclear polarisation enhanced
solid-state NMR spectroscopy and magnetic
resonance force microscopy for structural
- Christopher
Waudby, UCL
Mapping the co-translational folding energy
landscape of the ddFln5 immunoglobulin domain