"DosyProc" Version 2.1 for XWIN-NMR on Windows NT Niko Loening, October 17, 2000 Copyright (C) 2000 Niko Loening All Rights Reserved Index 1. About DosyProc 2. Notes 3. Requirements 4. Installation 5. Usage 6. Hints 7. Version Changes 8. Known Problems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. About DosyProc DosyProc creates a DOSY spectrum from a series of diffusion weighted spectra. It uses linear regression or non-linear least squares (mono or bi-exponential) to determine the diffusion constant for each point and then creates Gaussian peaks in the diffusion dimension based on this information. The program features an easy to use interface and on-line help throughout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Notes -> DosyProc is freely available for academic use. -> There is no warranty for damages caused by using this application. -> Without permission from the author (Niko Loening), you may not distribute the program. -> For requests, questions, or bug reports, contact the author by e-mail at "Niko_Loening@alumni.hmc.edu". -> You may find the latest version of DosyProc at the following site: http://www-keeler.ch.cam.ac.uk/downloads -> If you are using Windows 2000, the program will not automatically show up as the topmost window when started. To change this behavior, use the Windows registry editor (regedit.exe) to change the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Control Panel\Desktop\ForegroundLockTimeout registry key from a decimal value of 200000 to 0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Requirements This program was created for XWIN-NMR 2.5 and 2.6 running under Windows NT 4.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Installation 1) Download: dosyproc.exe dosyproc.hlp dosyproc.cnt and place all three files in the XWIN-NMR\prog\au\bin directory. 2) That's it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Usage 1) On the XWIN-NMR commandline (where you type commands such as "ft" and "ased") type "dosyproc". XWIN-NMR is case sensitive, so make sure you use lower case letters. 2) If you are not in a 2D data set, the program will generate an error. If you are in a 2D data set, an application window will appear. 3) Flip through the pages and adjust the settings as needed. There is on-line help to explain what the different variables are for. 4) Click on "Apply" to begin processing your data. The XWIN-NMR status line will keep you updated about how the calculation is proceeding. When the calculation is finished, the new DOSY spectrum will be displayed. 5) Click on "Cancel" to exit the program, or adjust the settings and click "Apply" to rerun the calculation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Hints -> If the program doesn't start, make sure that you have version 6 of the Microsoft C libraries installed on your system. These are automatically added to your system when you install Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0. -> Everytime you click "Apply" the current settings are saved to a text file in the processed data directory for future reference. -> If you get complete garbage, make sure the boundaries are okay. Sometimes, if there is a lot of noise in the spectrum or the threshold is set to low, the automatic boundaries routine gets confused. In this case, you should to try setting the boundaries to "Manual" and setting the range to 0 to 50. -> The equation used for fitting the data is only exact for rectangular gradients. For other gradient shapes, the shape factor gives only an approximate answer rather than the exact result. However, as long as the gradient pulse length is much less than the diffusion delay, the results will be very nearly correct. -> The results should be fairly similar for linear-regression and mono- exponential fitting. Use the bi-exponential fitting at your own risk, it tends to add more errors to the spectrum than it removes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Version Changes Version 1.0 was the original release version. Version 1.2 featured a complete rewrite of the gradient dialog page. This allows for the gradient length or shape to be incremented instead of just the gradient strength. Version 1.3 added different scaling options on the display page. Version 2.0 added non-linear least squares fitting, a rewrite of the data processing methods, and several small bug fixes. Version 2.1 added the "Bi-Exponential" page so that the user can influence the starting parameters and rejection filters for the bi-exponential fit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Known problems There are no known problems at this time. However, if anybody knows a better algorithm for performing non-linear least squares than the one given in "Numerical Recipes in C", please let me know.